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Virginia Chiropractic Political Action Committee

Virginia ChiroPAC Contacts

Taylor Myers, DC - Chair, Virginia ChiroPAC Board of Directors, Blackstone, VA, 434-298-0707

Bo Keeney, Virginia ChiroPAC Office, 804-643-0312

Virginia ChiroPAC Contributions

Virginia ChiroPAC

ChiroPAC is a voluntary, not for profit, incorporated committee operating as a separate segregated fund of the VCA. Its purpose is to advance and protect the health of the people of Virginia by encouraging the political activities of public officials and candidates for public office in both the Commonwealth of Virginia’s executive and legislative branches, without regard to political affiliation, who foster, advance and protect the people of Virginia’s interest in chiropractic health.

To accomplish these purposes, ChiroPAC solicits funds for carrying out its objectives, support, promote and contribute to public officials and candidates for public office, in the executive and legislative branches, and supports and enhances the legislative and political programs of the unified VCA.

ChiroPAC Contributors as of April 9, 2024

The Bowie Society ($1,000+ for the Year)
Abel Borromeo, DC
Lincoln German, DC
Phillip Golinsky, DC
Tess Graf, DC & Kat Mayes, DC
Mark Gutekunst, DC
Alicia Haupt, DC
Stephen Hussey, DC
Cory Malnikof, DC
Susan Martin, DC
Robert Thoma, DC
Joshua Walker (Chiro1Source)
William Ward, DC
Joshua White, DC

ChiroPAC Donors
Marco Accordo, DC
Alex Allen, DC
Joshua Alverado, DC
George Bakalis, DC
Anna Bender, DC
Michelle Booth, DC
Chase Bollig, DC
Eric Carlsen, DC
Philip Connolly, DC
Paul Cronk, DC
Camille D'Amato, DC
Marc DeGennaro, DC
Patricia Duncan, DC
Joe Foley, DC & Diane DeReu-Foley, DC
Wayne Fusco, DC
J. Stewart Garner, DC
Teresa Green, DC
Young Hwan Han, DC
Don Handly, DC
Meredith Harwell, DC
Hannibal Hervey, DC
Wendy Jacobs, DC
Yeongki Kang, DC
Afshin Karimi, DC
Shawn Keegan, DC
Erin Kline, DC

Elizabeth Koch, DC
Michelle Kotkin, DC
Linda Larsen, DC
Viet Le, DC
Robert Leib, DC
Kimberly Lewis, DC
R. Nichole Lykens, DC
Meghan Magner, DC
Robert Marsh, DC
Cory McKinley, DC
Immanuel Morenings, DC
Ralph Nebling, DC
Thomas Nicolai, DC
Michael Pasternack, DC
Susmita Paul, DC
Antonio Perez-Duran, DC
Chris Perron, DC
Robert Pinto, DC
Brian & Jennifer Prax, DC
Jennifer Rathmann, DC
Brad Robinson, DC
Michelle Rose, DC
Michael Roura, DC
Elizabeth Shearin, DC
Martin Skopp, DC
David Sniezek, DC
Jonathan Solomon, DC
Carly Swift, DC
Allie Totzke, DC
Thomas Van Petten, DC
Michael Vanella, DC
Steve VeGodsky, DC
Chris Virusky, DC
Robert Walentin, DC
Erika Warner, DC
Brittany Watts
Tom Wetzen, DC
Daniel Whitenack, DC
Adam Wilding, DC
Lisa Williams, DC
Howard Wilson, DC
Julia Wray, DC

Robert Bowie Society

The Robert Bowie Society was started by John C. Willis, DC as a tribute to Dr. Robert Bowie, one of the first chiropractors in the state of Virginia. Members of the Robert Bowie Society ("The Society") have made contributions of $1,000 yearly to CPAC/Virginia ChiroPAC.

Dr. Bowie was raised in southwest Virginia. He graduated from Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1927 and started his practice in Galax, Virginia in 1928. He soon met a major obstacle: a letter from seven medical doctors informing him that the law required any practicing doctor to be a graduate of an approved medical college and licensed by the state of Virginia. They suggested he leave town immediately. When he continued to practice, he was arrested, fined $30 and ordered to leave town immediately. He appealed the conviction and continued to practice. He was arrested again, fined $500, and given 90 days in jail. Dr Bowie appealed that decision and with the testimony of his numerous patients, the jury found him "not guilty" in thirty minutes. Six of the medical doctors ultimately became his friends and patients.

In 1943, Dr. Bowie was elected to the Virginia General Assembly. He was instrumental in obtaining Chiropractic licensure in Virginia and was the first Doctor of Chiropractic to serve on the Virginia Board of Medicine.

The Society was created to recognize the CPAC donor who does more than his or her share -- and to motivate the rest of us to do the same. Society members receive no acclaim and do not ask for any -- just Like Dr. Bowie. Dr. Bowie was modest and sincere, always doing more than he had to and never asking anything for himself. Some give little or nothing, yet tell the PAC what to do with the money someone else gave. It is CPAC's hope and intent that donors named to the Robert Bowie Society will feel pride and achievement.

Fortunately, we no longer have the threat of prison. What we have to do is less dramatic. But it is what we HAVE TO DO and it is just as important. We have to give money, sometimes when it hurts -- in essence, our own little "JAIL” sentence.

For a list of current Bowie Society members, see listing above.